France Province
Max Cage
I super gialli USA !
Max Cage
Cheque per una notte
. Ed. G.E.I., coll. I super gialli Usa n°92. 1967
Henri Le Sidaner: La table aux lanternes, Gerberoy, 1924
John Reinhard Weguelin
Gil Kane
#Editions G.E.I.
#Max Cage
Stella McCartney [Nude]
Mix it Up! Pair Vintage Prints with Modern Pieces!
Dreaming in Winter White
Who Wore It Better? Wendy of Course!
Wearing Vintage [Charlotte Dellal aka Charlotte Olympia]
The Unseen Footage of Marilyn Monroe
Vintage on the Red Carpet [Natalie Portman]
The Stella's Video Features Vintage from Shrimpton Couture!
British Vogue February [Perfume Ads]
Fifi Awards Women's Nouveau Niche [Essence Narciso Rodriguez Eau de Parfum]
Wearing Vintage [Natalie Joos]