Jean Marembert was born in Bourbon-l’Archambault, France, in 1904.
Marembert was a founder of the group with Louis Cattiaux at the Galerie Gravitations; the group published a manifesto “Transhyliste.” This was a group of Surrealists of a more decorative nature which included Etienne Béothy, Pierre Ino,and René Paresce.
Marembert exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants beginning in 1929, and the Salon des Tuileries in 1939. He exhibited at La Libraire de l’Églantine with Lucien Eller, François Eberl, and Jean Crotti; at Galerie Drouant with Grigory Gluckmann; at Galerie Champigny with Suzanne Valadon and François Desnoyer.
Marembert exhibited at Galerie d’Art Quartier Saint-Georges with Kees Von Dongen, Marcel Vertes, André Dignimont, Paul Charlemegne, Paul Colin, and Moise Kisling, the exhibition was called “Le French Can Can de Tabarin.”
Marembert exhibited at Galerie Matiéres et Formes in 1941 and in the same year at Galerie Breteau in an exhibition called “Les Réverbéres.” In 1942 he exhibited at Galerie Berri-Raspail. He was mobilized in the war and was wounded in a rescue of a child, he was captured and later escaped, and he took shelter near the town where he was born. He remained there for the duration of the war.
Marembert’s next exhibition was in 1946 at an exhibition called “La Gentilhommière” at Galerie du Boulevard Raspail. He continued to exhibit into the 1950’s, in 1958 he was in a group exhibition with Man Ray, Leonor Fini, Coutaud, and Labisse at and Galerie Le Soleil Dans La Téte, called “Les Fantastiques.”
Marembert was an artist of fantastic imagination and skill; he enjoyed a long and successful career. Always the Surrealist, strange, bizarre, and often beautiful.
Marembert is represented in the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.