Because of the expense involved, the decision to ask for the cooperation of Interflora-France was only taken after a visit to Grenoble by Paul-Claude SILVERI, Chairman and Managing Director for France, accompanied by Jean PAUCOD, Interfloras, representative for the department of the Isere.
In accordance with the promises made, the decoration was completed for the Opening of the Press Centre fixed for 15th January 1968. It had taken five and a half weeks.
About four hundred metre-long flower boxes, painted in white, were carefully buried in Dutch peat; these flower boxes, as well as the pot plants and flowers aroused general admiration.
This decoration alone was worth 30,000 F. As well as this, the contribution of Interflora consisted of about a hundred, massive decorative plants and bushes, for example, Laurels, Guelder roses, majestic palm trees and cone laurels 2,50 metres high, specially imported from Belgium. The value of these plants alone was about 20,000 F.
As well as the telecommunication installations placed in each language group, the Post Office Authorities had opened a Post Office. 46,000 F. worth of stamps were sold there. More than 50,000 expeditions were made of which 6,389 by Air Mail.
As well as this, the office, registered 2,060 telephone communications, sent 392 telegrams and paid 252 money orders. It was open from 7.30am to 9pm.
"Air France" set up three agencies at the Press Centre
— Reception for Press.
— Reception for Radio and Television journalists.
— Freight office.
The Radio-Television Reception open from 9am to 12 and 2pm to 8pm made 241 reservations for about 50 tickets sold. A hostess was always present to receive and inform the radio-television journalists.
The reception for the Press was open from 8am to 8pm, with three agents under the responsibility of an official from the Public Relations Department. This agency made 410 reservations and issued 130 tickets for the European lines and the long distance services.